Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives


24 month project. lead: Lille school of architecture. Partners: Telecom Lille, Ecole des mines de douai, Centrale Lille, Lille school of design. Subject: 3D printing for construction industry. Funding for MINT: 12 months engineer, 12 months post-doc.

Iconographie Numérique (Sept. 2015-Dec. 2018)

From sept. 2015 to dec. 2018.

Funding from MEL, 24 months for post-doctoral position.

Subject: Design of a digital tool for historians and archaeologists.

Art/science projects

Pauline de Chalendar (FreeHands project). Shown at Panorama exposition sept-dec. 2015, Fresnoy (Tourcoing). Also shown at VISAP, IEEE Infoviz ArtTrack, august 2015, Chicago.

Pauline Delwaulle

Out of space: Mirror Lake Station Pictanovo project 2013-2015 in collaboration with Mathilde Lavesnne. Shown at "Portes ouvertes, La Malterie, October 17th to 19th 2014; "Expériences interactives" de Pictanovo, l'Hospice d'Havré, May 28th to July 10th 2015; La cartographie, Espace Culture de l'Université de Lille 1, October 6th to December 11th 2015; "Hyper-archéologie", Centre Arc-en-ciel de Liévin, January 29th to February 29th 2016